Sunday, July 24, 2016

Oh the joy of trip prep!

With a big trip, (14 days to Norway), on the immediate horizon, comes the pre-packing requirements:- having had the bike serviced, checked the tyres are good for the 2k-3k duration, and that my passport has at least 6 months life left, I've cleaned the bike together with panniers, put my passport and travel documents plus money, "in a safe place", (if only I can remember which safe place that is in ten days), I'm now all set for the vital assault on that list of jobs around the house that I've promised faithfully to have done before I depart. This list is not insignificant, not least because it is, in part, composed of jobs on previous lists that I failed to complete back then. Nonetheless I set to with good intent if not total dedication, and am soon up to my neck in grass and hedge cuttings, rubbish bags full of once necessary items now destined for the council waste site, and half completed jobs involving variously, paint, screwdrivers, spanners and spirit levels, not to mention several cardboard boxes that I was wanting to save in case they, "came in handy", one day/never. If I wanted to be facetious I'd attempt here a justification for regular big trips away, being that such trips ensure that at least some of the tasks assigned to the, "To Do", list actually get done this side of Armageddon - but I'm not that brave. Preparing for the big trip away is knackering. All the best, Jim.

1 comment:

  1. I love preparing for a bike trip. When I was about 20 I used to set off on an adventure at about 3am. I'd have the bike Norton Commando 850 MkIIA Interstate in candy apple red, YBJ141N) serviced, loaded and spotless in my neighbour's garage, My riding gear would be in a neat pile in order of dressing. Exciting times not entirely different today. Bikes, oh we do love em.
