Friday, October 9, 2015

Group Riding Training - Saturday 7th November 10:00 @ Allan Jefferies BMW

GROUP RIDE OUT TRAINING INITIATIVE Riding in a larger group requires a different set of skills to riding alone or with a few companions. We want everyone who participates in an Allan Jefferies BMW ride out, or indeed travels with us on an overseas tour, to enjoy the experience, not feel pressurised to ride at speeds outside of their comfort zone and most importantly to remain safe at all times. In our pre-ride briefings riders are encouraged to 'ride their own ride", i.e. at a pace which is comfortable and safe for them. We employ a drop-off / corner marking system, have regular stops to gather everyone together and on ride outs with larger numbers of riders we have a tail-end Charlie or sweeper, so there is never a need to try to keep up with the rider in front of you. Some of you may know the highly respected advanced riding instructor Jim Bryan of Enhanced Riding Jim's services have been retained by Allan Jefferies BMW to offer customers the opportunity to learn how to ride in a group safely and enjoyably. Jim will be offering Saturday morning workshops later this year and in 2016, dates will be announced on this group Facebook page as soon as they have been finalised. Ride safely! Tony Barker, EuroBikeTrans. Places are limited, so book early via Fiona Waller @ Allan Jefferies -- 01274 535484