Monday, February 14, 2011

No "right" way

Just back from a meeting with other motorcyclists having been asked to do a presentation on "advanced riding" - bit like extracting honey from a wild bee colony without aid of smoke! Lots of good stuff, but my don't some folk get attached to their preconceived notions, almost as if I was asking them to reconsider their sexual orientation.

A couple of givens -

i/ - no two situations are exactly the same, therefore the best option needs to be assessed each time, rather than applying a rigid rule.

ii/ - you need to apply your riding plan until you revise it in the light of changing circumstance.

In other words, coherent flexibility is the maxim.

Well, having poked that particular stick into that specific hive I was rewarded by a half hour of attempts to find absolute rules. Our discussion ranged from the hoary old "Hendon Shuffle", through speed, to "lifesavers" ect. I thoroughly enjoyed the evening and learned a lot about how others approach their riding.

All the best, Jim.

1 comment:

  1. There's a great quote from Wellington, which is probably apocryphal. He was asked the difference between French planning and British planning. He said the French plans were beautiful and detailed, like a leather riding harness. The British plans were knotted together out of rope. If part of the French plan broke, the whole thing became useless. If part of a British plan failed, they tied another knot and carried on...
